perjantai 26. toukokuuta 2017

Max Allan Collins: Quarry's ex

Max Allan Collinsin jännärin päähenkilö on palkkamurhaaja, joka on keksinyt bisneksilleen melko omaperäisen lähestymiskulman: Quarry's ex (Titan, 2011; ISBN 978-0-85768-286-4).

Kirja on mustanpuhuva kuvaus rikollisten maailmasta, mutta jonkinlaista kolhoa huumoriakin tarinaan on hivutettu. Quarry-niminen palkkamurhaaja ottaa palkkamurhaajien kohteiksi joutuneisiin ihmisiin yhteyttä ja lupaa hoitaa ongelman - eli palkkamurhaajat - pois päiviltä, maksua vastaan tietysti.

Even the enigmatic hit man called Quarry had to start somewhere. And for him that was the day he returned stateside from Nam to find his young wife cheating. He'd killed plenty overseas, so killing her lover was no big deal. And when he was recruited to use his skills as a contract killer, that transition was easy, too. He survived in this jungle as he had in that other one -- by expecting trouble.

What he didn't expect was ever running into his ex again.

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