sunnuntai 10. heinäkuuta 2016

Stephanie Laurens: A comfortable wife, The lady chosen ja Loving Rose

Stephanie Laurens kirjoittaa rutiininomaisia historiallisia viihderomaaneja, joissa päähenkilöiden elämäntilanteet keikahtavat raiteiltaan ja lopputuloksena on, mitäpä muuta kuin onnellinen loppu. Laurens kirjoittaa melkolailla näppärästi, vaikka erityisen omaperäisiksi näitä tarinoita ei voi sanoa. Mutta lajityypissään nämä kirjat eivät huonoimmasta päästä ole.

A comfortable wife (Severn House, 2014; ISBN 978-0-7278-8454-1)

Miss Antonia Mannering had made plans, and Lord Philip Ruthven played a large part in them. They had been childhood friends, but had not seen each other for years. She knew Philip was popular with the ladies, but he had never married any of them. Wouldn't he now be ready for a wife? If she could prove to him that she could run his home, not disgrace him in Society and be a comfortable wife for him, surely he would be prompted to propose to her. That they might fall in love had never occurred to her!

The lady chosen (Piatkus, 2009; ISBN 978-07499-4023-2)

Tristan Wemyss, Earl of Trentham, never expected he'd need to wed within a year or forfeit his inheritance. But he is not one to bow to the matchmaking mamas of the ton. No, he will marry a lady of his own choosing. And the lady he chooses is the enchanting neighbour living with her family next door. Miss Leonora Carling has beauty, spirit and passion

Loving Rose - the redemption of Malcolm Sinclair (Piatkus, 2014; ISBN 978-0-7499-5872-5)

Miraculously spared from death, Malcolm Sinclair erases the notorious man he once was. Reinventing himself as Thomas Glendower, he strives to make amends for his past, yet he never imagines penance might come via a secretive lady he discovers living in his secluded manor. Rose has a plausible explanation for why she and her children are residing in Thomas's house, but she quickly realizes he's far too intelligent to fool. Revealing the truth is impossibly dangerous, yet day by day, he wins her trust, and then her heart. But then her enemy closes in, and Rose turns to Thomas as the only man who can protect her and the children. And when she asks for his help, Thomas finally understands his true purpose, and with unwavering commitment, he seeks his redemption in the only way he can - through living the reality of loving Rose.

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